A personalized insurance platform created by Sudamericana based in La Paz, Bolivia.
The perception of car insurance in Bolivia is that it is complicated to understand, expensive and not as necessary.
MiBigBro is revolutionizing the local car insurance industry by offering personalized and affordable insurance. Our goal is to create a friendly and approachable brand image and create a simple accessibleUI that further simplifies this personalized offering.
The design of this interface was intentionally made very minimal in order to emphasize the clarity and ease of navigating this usually complicated topic. The focus of the app was to be very functional and with minimum transitions and animations to adjust to all types of data and wifi coverage areas.
I'm a Product Designer at Lightcast, specializing in four main services: Visual Design, UX Research, Interactive Design, and Development. My background in advertising and branding has forged my skills in art direction, digital design, and integrated brand marketing – the secrets to unleashing my creative prowess.
What truly fuels my fire is crafting designs that make a positive impact on society. Whether it's creating stunning visuals or diving deep into user research, my ultimate goal is to connect and engage users on a meaningful level.